

A good translation is a piece of art – and like any other art it is based on robust craftsmanship.
A specialty translator must feature a rare double qualification:
- language excellence,
- specialty competence.
A good specialty translation must be free of errors and - at the same time - perceivable and persuasive.
We combine creative power with cool objectivity, to transfer your documents into German with the optimum of specialty knowledge, elegant language and legal requirements.

Technical or commercial texts are often authored by subject matter experts, who will undoubtedly be competent in their field of expertise, but they have litte understanding for their readers.
A well known example for this are user manuals, that normal users do not understand.
This is where the translator comes into play. We will do much more, than 'just' translating a document into German.
Clients often rely on us to adapt specialty content to the relevant target audience.
A repair manual for a professional garage is a totally different translation task, than a „do-it-yourself“ manual for the home user.
Not rarely, our clients decide to use our German translations as a basis for all subsequent translations into other languages, instead of the English original.

Standardized wording in legal regulations is also important. This has to be adopted by every character and comma. Examples are safety notes or package inserts of medical products. Even the smallest deviations can cause severe legal and financial consequeces here.
Thorough research and extensive specialty knowledgeby our translators guarantee, that you will not experience bad surprises.
Promotional materials from the anglo-american markets are often so sensational in wording, that they sound overdrawn to a German audience. Also, the customary comparative advertisement in those markets needs to be adapted to German legislation.
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